update your password

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On a Windows device: Windows key + D

On a Mac: CMD + D

On a mobile device: Look for the star icon

In this section, you will need to select YES or NO to all answers, apart from 4.2 where you will have the option of uploading a copy of your Club Safeguarding policy.

To upload a cop of this policy you need to click on the Red paper icon highlighted.

In the pop-up box that appears, you then need to change the document type to Supporting document instead of Generated by COMET.

You then need to click the Choose button and upload your Clubs Policy by double clicking on it wherever it is saved on your device.

section 5 - club contact information

input your new password


  • For each action that needs to be performed on COMET, the FAW will provide specific user guides and videos. These short and easy to follow guides will set out the step-by-step process that needs to be followed. 
  • We will also arrange a phased training webinar approach to cover everything clubs may need to action in preperation for the coming season.
  • We will have a dedicated section on the FAW’s website where system users will be able to access the guides and webinar recordings that they need; 
  • When it comes to matchdays once the season has started we will operate a COMET Help Desk where system experts will be on hand to answer any questions that you may have; and 
  • We will arrange face-to-face “drop in clinics” around Wales where system users will be able to obtain expert advice on what they need to do. We will operate these for however long as is required. 
  • If you have any queries in relation to system usage, please log a help ticket on Comet.
  • If you have any queries in relation to system access, please email cometsupport@faw.co.uk


PHASE 1 COMET Club Training Webinar 
Watch the video
Download Presentation PDF
Download FAQ's PDF

PHASE 2 COMET Club Training Webinar 
Watch the video                                                                                                                                              Download Presentation PDF

PHASE 3 COMET Club Training Webinar 
Watch the video
Download Presentation PDF
Download FAQ's PDF


First Published

18 June 2020

Last Updated

26 July 2022

Part Of


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